Enter into the depths…
notice the sights, the sounds, the smells, the flavors, the tactile stories, and the ability to engage our subconscious selves along the way.
“The inner journey, in all its forms, is not for the faint of heart, the weary of mind, nor the unwilling of soul.”
Dawning Descent
About this blog…
There are two questions always worth contemplating. These questions encourage self-reflection and positive forward change within:
How can my consciousness/light help me descend?
How can my subconscious/shadow help me ascend?
Our subconscious awareness is the tapestry that we weave so as to thread together the authenticity of our intrinsic and extrinsic value. All that we learn can be manifested out in the world in impactful ways through our unique gifts and contributions.
I have worked to create a space that can encourage empowerment. The answers we discover for ourselves along the way offer opportunities transformation.
Inner growth is an arduous journey. As my learning and stumbling will never stop, neither will my growth and triumphs. This will forever be reflected in my actions and deeds. I wish to mirror, through my works, the same sense of possibility and absoluteness for my readers.
I am the heroine of my own story. I am very passionate about you becoming your own hero or else simply reinforcing that already present fact by bridging something more inside yourself or revealing another unexpected path as we welcome self-discovery.
Dreamwork is an influential aspect of my blog. My evolution has in large part been made possible by the relationship I have forged with my own dreams. My devotion to understanding the depths of the dreamworld has taken me to new heights. I want my readers to see the potential beauty in such a process for themselves.
Embrace my works in your own ways and your own time. Be patient. Take things in as you see fit. There is no bell, no stopwatch, no sands falling in an hourglass. Wisely process what you read to receive the greatest benefits.
When we rush to a destination we miss the sights, the sounds, the smells, the flavors, the tactile stories, and we lose the ability to engage our subconscious selves along the way. These are the gifts that give the end results or destinations their depth of meaning.
Extend the experiences of my blog and subscriber contributions into your daily lives in mindful and creative ways whenever you can.
I will be presenting a variety of topics and discussions at different times.
I am grateful to wander with you in search of newfound knowledge and purpose.
Disclaimer: My posts are for informational purposes only. Thye are based on my own personal journey and experiences. I am not endorsing any products that I mention in my posts nor any information that I provide to subscribers. The information provided is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I am not a physician, therapist, or any other trained expert with regard to my contributions. Seek advice from qualified professionals or trained experts when it comes to your well-being. Make sure you enquire for yourself if the content, material, or services provided are relevant to and appropriate for your needs and intended use. Your reliance on any and all information is at your own risk.
Disclaimer regarding all communications: We look forward to engaging with you, so join us. Subscribe and/or contact us and we will respond to all questions, suggestions, comments, opinions, and offerings. Responses will come as opportunity and time allow. We retain the right to remove any persons from the E-mail list and/or not to respond to communications should we deem it a necessity to maintaining the integrity and the spirit of this site. This is a forum for maturity, sincerity, positive learning, and growth. We need connect and respond in kindness and with respect towards each other no matter our opinions.