My home...
The expansive and influential world of indirect language, for it knows no boundaries, no limitations, no conformity. Its nourishment makes me strong and keeps me safe as I express my uncontained spirit and my desire to forever be a seeker of humble wilds.
Opportuities for connection:
I have experienced growth through adversity and struggle. Through my perspectives and the expression of my wounds, I aspire to put forth opportunities for others to discover chances for self-reflection and healing as they walk their own paths.
My works encourage people to listen well to their intuition before they speak their mind. They challenge people to resonate with their feelings when thinking has them running in circles.
I believe in being open minded as I unapologetically remold or revise my wants or needs when connecting more and more with my own depths, and I hope to reinforce this way of being in others who choose to walk through this experience with me.
Name: Andrea Barros
Gender: Female
Personality: Introverted
Genetic trait: Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS), more commonly recognized as the Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP) trait
Favorite website: The Sensitive Empowerment Community, founded by the extraordinary Dr. Julie Bjelland, has been a true inspiration in my life
Influential people: Andrea Weber, dearest soul friend and founder of expansivehappiness.com; Dr. Lourdes Viado, remarkable mentor and creator of the podcast Women In-Depth.
Historically favorite books: The Alchemist (philosophical), Lord of the Rings (fantasy), or Jewels of the Sun (romance)
Current favorite books:
Favorite classic children’s book:
Favorite current children’s book:
Favorite authors: Paulo Coelho, Kobi Yamada, Nora Roberts, Elizabeth Gilbert
Favorite classic poem: The Stolen Child by William Butler Yeats
Favorite current poem:
Favorite quote: “The land of hearts desire is a place where beauty has no ebb and decay no flow. A place where joy is wisdom and time an endless song” – William Butler Yeats
Favorite proverb: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Time of day my intuitive nature is strongest: Dawn
Favorite exercise for centering: Qigong exercises for the elements
Favorite restorative activity: Meditation
Ideal superpower: Understanding any language belonging to man, animal or nature, unabridged communication
Favorite ted talk speaker: Brene Brown
Favorite song: Now We Are Free by Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard
Favorite gemstone: Carnelian
Favorite tarot deck: The Wild Wood Tarot
Favorite oracle deck: The Sacred Forest Oracle
Favorite season: All of them. Spring for its vulnerability and possibility, summer for its wilds and will, winter for its recognition of the inner journey and quest for mindfulness, autumn for its courage to gather sustenance and then let go in realizing the need to begin again.
Favorite place: In the depths of any forest
Admired virtues in people: Accountability and Patience
Favorite childhood memory: Catching fireflies on a summer night and chasing after tree frogs during the daytime.
More About my strengths and aspirations:
I love dreamwork, meditations, and poetry because for me they symbolize disguised truths where the power lies in the journey of what is found and provides a memorable depth of meaning to what is uncovered. They are durable bridges existing between myself and my instinctual nature. I have found freedom in understanding myself and the world through such a unique lens. Perspective can change anything and shine a spotlight on our own natural light.
The groundwork for what I present of myself through my creations is stubbornly rooted in my three foundational values of contribution, autonomy, and spirituality. They harmonize to create a balance of mind, body, and soul that I work to manifest so as to form true and lasting connections with my readers.
ambitions That I Strive Towards based upon my circumstances and my personal astrological infuences:
Sun sign: Aries instills in me the courage to face my fears and risk, the will to triumph over adversity, the resolve to be a defender of individuality and a conqueror of my personal goals.
Moon sign: Sagittarius brings faith in the wonderment of possibility, a need for soulful relationships, a desire to explore new horizons. In the disseminating phase I connect to like-minded people and communicate the fruits of my experiences.
Ascendent/Rising sign: Gemini pushes me to be a free thinker, open minded, and curious with a questioning nature, to communicate insights through story, and to be a skilled learner.
Ruling planet of my birth chart: Mercury encourages me to communicate my personal experiences in impactful ways, to confront my subconscious mind while being self-aware, and to express myself through both spontaneity and inspiration. Mercury in Pisces is condemned and guides me to an altered state of consciousness, helps me see beneath the surface, makes me a dreamer that is both imaginative and intuitive. My writing style comes from a place of fluidity and feeling, as well as metaphor and telepathic articulation through mediums like poetry, meditation, and symbolic dreamwork as opposed to direct language.
Chiron: Depicts my spiritual journey leading me to confront and overcome my wounds in this life through repetition of experience. It is ensconced in my 12th house where subconsciousness, what is beneath, dreams, meditative space, as well as spiritual and psychic connections reside. In Taurus I seek peaceful silence with a constant desire for simplicity and interaction with the natural world. I am determined, and stubborn as I fight for the release of imposed burdens to make way for growth and change. My dreams tell me about my wounds and the experience of my wounds can open doors to others being able to find their own source of healing.
Midheaven sign: The gifts I have to offer as they relate to the meaning in my life in both career and purpose. In Aquarius I connect with unusual thought and untried ideas, as well as freedom, innovation, and collaboration. In the 10th house I accept my mission in this life as it relates to society, the fulfillment of my destiny, the development and offering of my true voice to others, and my own instinctual strength in the ability to express what can benefit a community. As Mercury is in my 10th House it also rules my midheaven and my soul purpose is to nourish other people through the fruits of my work.